Client from Five Dock

Travelling to and from Tamworth each week has always been something I have needed to juggle. I had been quite fit for a number of years when younger, though a period of time with no exercise, too much excess food and alcohol led me to a point of being 107 kgs in July 2014. A place that prompted me to make an immediate change! I had never had a Personal Trainer before but knew that it would be great kickstart in the right direction.
I found that getting into an exercise program was actually quite easy, being consistent was the key as I was still travelling each week. The biggest difference that I found with the guidance of Vision PT was the direction with food and accountability with alcohol. It wasn't long before I had dropped the first 5 kilos to be under 100kg again, this certainly spurred me on.
I bought myself a Pedometer and I set a goal of a minimum of 13,000 steps per day. With my work I was averaging around 20,000 steps per day, which only increased when I exercised. I found myself enjoying setting benchmarks with my cardio and completing my own weight sessions that really helped kick start my strength and energy levels.
Reaching 92kgs felt great and being 15kilos lighter meant I needed to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes for both training and everyday wear, it made my day to day activities so much easier and I walk everywhere!. I now am able to eat in a way that keeps me on track and I know how to make the best choices if I have been out socially or need to make up when I was too busy to train or prepare food. I was initially nervous about reducing my training once I reached my goal but found that so long as I keep active and am sensible with my choices I am able to maintain my results up until this day
I know now that I will never go back to the place I was and feel great that I am now in complete control of my training and health and fitness!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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