Client from Camberwell | Trainer: Bram Van Kopplen

I had been feeling increasingly unhappy with my body weight over the last 2-3 years as I had gained a few kilos, and no matter what I did, either through increasing my exercise, intermittent fasting, or eating less, I was not getting any lasting results. From my teenage years, I have always been disciplined and conscious of what I ate, exercised regularly and weighed myself daily to ensure I stayed in control. Having seen both my parents battle diabetes among other illnesses, I wanted to ensure that I could do what was in my control to increase my fitness and stay healthy.
I had tried the gym before and not enjoyed the experience, which is why I procrastinated for a few weeks after having noticed Vision’s ads on social media. I am so glad I made contact with Leigh-Ann, it has been one of the best decisions I have made.
I committed to 3 PT sessions a week and soon had a training and diet plan. My trainer Bram also worked around a knee surgery I had not long after I started at Vision. I achieved my weight loss goal well within my first 9 weeks which was excellent and through the strength training, could start to see my body start to tone up – yay!
Bram my trainer is amazing. Always friendly, positive, funny, caring and encouraging, he offers great advice and support and keeps challenging me which is what I want. Even though I work hard, I have lots of fun too.
I love what Vision offer – the overall atmosphere and friendly people, the program structure, the fabulous team and support they provide, the goal sessions and the fact that I am kept accountable for the progress that I make. I find it motivational, and it propels me to keep improving and striving to be better when I can see tangible results.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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