Client from Camberwell | Trainer: Isaac Bartels

I originally joined because a friend was training at Vision and she was getting great results. I left after a couple of years because I wasn't motivated during Covid and thought I could continue my journey on my own. I managed to maintain my weight and implement everything I had learnt at Vision for the 1st year but the weight slowly crept back on as my lifestyle habits resumed back pre-Vision. My friend who was at Vision that I had met when I was a member at the studio, had lost a lot of weight and she was looking great which inspired me to rejoin Vision again. As I was no longer self motivated and I loved the studio and the community, I decided to get back and start training here again because I knew it worked.
I came back to Vision to lose weight, improve my lifestyle habits and build up my strength training. Coming back I was so committed to losing weight again and feel as good as I did last time I was at Vision. The support I have received from my trainer Isaac, embracing my training and following my food diary has guaranteed my results.
A major change to my lifestyle was reintroducing weight training and reducing poor food choices. I lost 10kg my first time at Vision and put it on once I left Vision over the course of a year. I have since returned and lost 8kg again.
I love having more energy again and feeling more comfortable in my clothing. It's much easier going shopping again now that I'm in my comfortable weight range and actually look forward to clothes shopping again.
Isaac is really good at keeping me accountable and I really appreciate his approach to my goals. All the clients and trainers in the studio are very supportive, we have gotten to know each other which makes training fun and I look forward to going to the studio to train.
Most important thing I've learnt on my journey is that the exercise plays a small part when making lifestyle choices to lose weight. It's so important to have a positive circle of influence and a great group of people at the studio to support me to achieve my health and fitness goals.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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