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Jane Dinte

I feel fit, healthy, energetic and happy!
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Client from Double Bay

Before Jane Dinte (before)
After Jane Dinte (after)

I hurt my back last year and had to cancel a holiday to Europe. I slipped down the driveway and ended up with bursitis in my hip. I was in incredible amounts of pain and couldn't even walk!


I am a breast cancer survivor and whilst they were diagnosing the pain from my fall, they were looking for other cancers and it scared me. Fortunately, everything came back ok and it was just my hip, but I was overweight and hated myself and my body for letting me down.


I knew I needed to lost weight and strengthen my core and my bones. In November last year, I met the Vision Double Bay Team at the Double Bay Fair, I went straight over to Staedtler, the Studio Manager, and said to him "Help Me! I hate myself and I also hate gyms but I know I have to do something." You could say it was being in the right place at the right time.


The most challenging thing has been making myself go. Having Brad, my Trainer, there waiting for me every session has been the motivation I need to get myself there. We have a love hate relationship. I love boxing and weights but hate regular cardio so he rewards me by doing the things I enjoy most when I'm a good girl and keeps me accountable. He is very mindful of my injuries and changes the program to accommodate this.


I really enjoy the atmosphere and culture at Vision. The clientele are normal people, similar age to me, so I don't feel out of place. Everyone from clients to trainers are so friendly, it makes it a pleasure being there. So much so I have recommended friends who have loved it and lost weight.


I've just returned from an overseas trip and for the first time ever, I haven't come back sick and I had an amazing time and had lots of energy. Usually I come back with a temperature and an illness and wonder why I bothered going. 


I feel fit healthy energetic and happy!


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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