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Gary Cowan

It's been a great ride and the results are pretty astounding!
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Client from Sylvania

Before Gary Cowan (before)
After Gary Cowan (after)

I happened to stumble upon Vision on an impulse back in October, just as I was driving by, straight out the front. Acting on that impulse, before I knew it I was through the back door inside being greeted and very well looked after by Meticulous Matt. From there Jez Cuz took over, and from the very outset the trust was there and it was fun, we had a lot of laughs but when you get down, what better powerhouse driving force would you want behind demanding more…

It's a great feeling, just pushing yourself like that on its own. But the reason I actually ended up inside was to enquire about a possible recovery program after my pending Hyrnia op but found out later that day I was on a 12-14mth waiting list so I signed a 12-month Vision contract the next day. If I was to be completely honest what I really wanted out of a PT would be to in still some routine and discipline into my life. Hopefully would enable me to be more organised and structured in my everyday life and be able to function better both personally and professionally. The hardest part I found was not the training side of things it was changing my habits and I can feel real improvement there. So, from the start of my Vision journey, to see where I am now some 7 months later it's been a great ride and the results are pretty bloody astounding. The Vision Formula works, it is a great system that ensures success. And that can't happen without the awesomely amazing committed and caring team at Vision Sylvania, it's been so impressive!

Everybody involved have been just so great and I have really enjoyed the social aspect. I'm very grateful and most appreciative. The upshot of all this is, I'm fitter than ever, I've lost my poudgee pot gut, the bod is taking shape is a bonus, but I'm feeling great and can see it has started to flow on to other parts of my life and which is so gratifying. I just want to go harder now and as many facets powering as possible! ...oh, and I still haven't had the operation. Thanks everybody for sharing my story. And a big thanks & CHUR to the whole Sylvania Crew, y'all ROC!!"

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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