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Life is all about balance, health and fitness is no different. Let us show you how you can continue to live your best life whilst maintaining balance.
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Mhenard Cajobe at North Sydney published October 17, 2017
last updated August 23, 2021


What is balance? Balance is an equal distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.
It is an element of at equal or in the correct proportion.
Why is it important to train?
Balancing is important to train because we use it every day it is part of our daily living, when we walk, when we get in and out of the car we are balancing ourselves. Having proper balance will allow you to reduce the chances of falling and increase the chances of moving correctly while limiting the chance of injury.

Training this functional movement will help with your posture, muscular balance, stability, flexibility, prevent you from injuring joints and developing a strong sense of balance can be a lifesaver, especially if the elderly who are at higher risk of falls due to neuromuscular deterioration. In saying that athletes/general population will benefit from this by being quicker to respond to the demands of their sport - daily living.
When you include balance in your program you are training your whole body and neuromuscular system to work together be more dynamic in your movements for other training.


Purpose - This test is to assess balance and stability on the ball of your feet.

Equipment - You will need a stopwatch, paper, pencil and or phone to record the data.

Procedure - To begin the assessment remove shoes and place hands on hips, then place the non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg.

- The subject raises the heel to balance on the ball of the foot. Stop watch begins when the heel is raised from the floor. The stop watch is stopped if any of the following occur: 

- Hands come off the hips

- Supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction

- Non- supporting foot loses contact with the knee

- The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor

- Note the person attempting this test is given 1 minute to practice the balance

- The total time in seconds is recorded. The total score is the best of three attempts.


Excellent >50

Good 40-50

Average 25-39

Fair 10-24

Poor <10

Reference - Johnson BL, Nelson JK. Practical measurements for evaluation in physical education. 4th Edit. Minneapolis: Burgess, 1979.



*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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