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5 Keys for New Years Resolutions

How often do you keep your New Year's resolutions? In this Vision PT article we share our five key strategies for setting New Year's resolutions.
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Weight Loss Articles

By Brandon Gerial at Baulkham Hills


It is that time of year again. it's time to put pen to paper and think about your goals for 2019. However, according to U.S News, about 80% of people do not achieve their new year's resolutions. So here are our top 5 tips to accomplish the goals you are now outlining;

1. Write SMART goals - that is, your goals must be SPECIFIC (for example; put a figure on how much you'd like to lose, or how much you'd like to bench press instead of 'increase strength), MEASUREABLE (You must have a metric to be able to easily know whether you have achieved the goal or not at the end of the year), ACHIEVEABLE (can you do it with your time, knowledge and resources), RELEVANT (does the goal align with your overall personal goals, values and beliefs, and TIME BASED (put a time frame on it)

2. Start with WHY - What is the deeper compelling reason why you want to achieve THAT particular goal out of anything you could have chosen? Remind yourself of why you started to help you through challenges. "He who has a big enough why, can bear almost any how" - Friedrich Nietzsche

3. Get the right people on the bus - Build your own support network of likeminded people who you know will support you and your goals, keep you accountable and challenge you when needed.

4. Start with small successes - The Great Pyramid of Giza wasn't built overnight. Break down your goals into smaller stepping stones and build your self esteem, self discipline and momentum by laying one brick at a time, which in turn will lead to huge successes later in the year.

5. Build self awareness - Take time to reflect on how your goals are going and how you're feeling, PARTICULARLY when work/family are pulling on you for time. This will allow you to catch yourself when you are starting to lay blame, deny and give excuses for why you aren't getting the results you want. Another big one is to be able to be aware of when you're falling into relapse, that is, slipping into bad habits again. This may call for a change in goal, exercise, foods, circle of influence, environment, etc.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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