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Tania Lena

10kg Lost & Life Balanced
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Client from Prahran | Trainer: Austin Lawson


Tell me about your life before Vision?

Life before Vision was basically busy filled by work commitments and working through the impact of various lockdowns, personally and professionally.

What results have you achieved?

Since joining Vision I have lost 10kilos. But although I'm extremely excited about that achievement it has helped reset a little BALANCE. Taking care of one’s self can sometimes take second place to many other commitments that we may feel are important at any given time. Since joining Vision it has helped me reprioritize.

How has life changed for you?

Finding that I’m more energized and more motivated in general. Eager to continue to achieve further results and really determined to do so.

What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?

Austin of course lol! It’s a nice environment with genuine people who really do their best to set people like me up with a routine and the right support in creating some disciplines which have worked for me personally.

What are some defining moments during your journey?

Honestly Day 3 or 4, when I absolutely understood the impact of food management in conjunction with exercise. I took Austin by his word listened to his advise. The rest is history. And then the day I achieved the 10 kg loss of course which was the goal that I had set myself from the start.

What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?

Commitment is key and if you are committed and want to see the results badly enough there is no stopping you. Don’t put the pressure of time on yourself enjoy the experience and the results will show.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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