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Sarah Stratford

Takapuna Studio Weight loss challenge Winner March 2016
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Client from Takapuna

Before Sarah Stratford (before)
After Sarah Stratford (after)


After a summer of developing ongoing bad habits (cheese, wine, beer, chips & meals out) I was feeling older, looking frumpy and felt it was the right time to get motivated and make positive changes for the long-term. 

I'm not usually the kind of person that gets well into the fit buzz. I have a history of paying for gym memberships, going for a week and then making excuses why I don't have the time. Along with this I have done every crash diet and lost weight in the short term but put it back on within a few months + more. 

The Vision Personal Training Takapuna Beach Studio and my workouts have become a hobby rather than chore.  I've formed habits and routines which have made me feel a million times better.  I've also been sleeping more soundly, my skin has cleared and I have found I am drinking way less.

The Vision Personal Training brand crept up on me at a tennis game and on my FB page, so I searched the website and contacted the studio. Ben was my first point of call and has trained me throughout.  After my first consultation I got a fright with what my body fat % was and dedicated 100%. The team motivated me to stay on track with macro nutrient eating and varied exercise types.  The system teaches you that you don't have to give anything up, it's just a trade-off.  The training is fun, well most of the time.

I won't lie to you I have found it tricky at times, but with the Vision Personal Training programme and support from Ben and the team, they kept me on track.  It doesn't particularly get easier but as you get stronger and fitter you push yourself harder.  I can now run longer distances, lift more weight and do normal press ups. I also naturally make better food choices.  The guys encouraged me into joining the 9 week weight loss challenge.  I am exceptionally competitive and knew that I would give it my all. The training time paid off and I won the Takapuna Beach Studio challenge.

As my weight has dropped my body shape has changed and I feel way better.  I'm down over a dress size and people comment on how good I'm looking.  I've never been told I look fit before and I like it.

My weight is down 10kg, my body fat is down 5% and my clothes fit amazingly. I wish I had embarked on the Vision journey sooner.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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