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Rachel Beedham

Vision changed my life!
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Client from Baulkham Hills

Before Rachel Beedham (before)
After Rachel Beedham (after)

For at least 25 years my life has been a roller coaster of attempting many diets. It was a constant battle of losing and gaining weight until my good friend Isabelle introduced me to Vision Personal Training, and I've never looked back.

Previously, the number on the scales had always been my main focus, weighing every day and beating myself up at the fluctuations. Vision has given me a better understanding of nutrition and exercise and the 9 week goal sessions keep me motivated and allow me to set challenges that I wouldn't have attempted before. For example, after focussing my initial goals on weight loss and successfully losing 17kg I decided that my next goal would be "muscle gain". In doing so, I accepted that I may not see any change on the scales, or that I may even put on a couple of kilos, but my body shape would change and I'd actually look slimmer. For the first time in my life, the scales were no longer my main focus and the possibility of a weight gain didn't upset me.

Coming to Vision has been an absolute pleasure and never daunting like other fitness places I had tried. The staff always greet clients with a welcoming smile and a "hello", and from the first day of joining I was surprised at how quickly I felt like part of the family. My trainer is an inspiration to me. His understanding of the programme, his fitness knowledge and his dedication to me and my needs are outstanding. He encourages and pushes me to achieve goals that I wouldn't have imagined I could possibly do. Thank you to my Personal Trainer and to Vision for changing the way I look, for changing the way I feel and for changing my life!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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