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Rachael Jeffery

12kgs and Over 20cms Lost!
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Client from Prahran

Rachael Jeffery - Client of the Month March 2020 (after)

Tell me about your life before Vision?

Well the 7 years prior to Vision involved a lot work, long hours, lots of work travel, deadlines, audits and stress! Mixed in with this a number of significant negative life events occurred to boot, so I just dug in and did what I had to do sort the tasks at hand. Exercise and portion sizes took more and more of a back seat, just getting by was the priority for me. Friends came to the rescue which often involved food, wine and a few laughs. my weight had increased and I felt uncomfortable. I had a numerous stints at losing weight but I'd lose small amounts during the week, then on weekends it would go back up. It was Groundhog Day! For the past 12 months a friend kept suggesting to join a Visions PT studio, but I felt a strong need to save money as I knew another funeral was inevitable. Once that had happened, it hit me that enough was enough! Life is short and I needed to prioritise my own health and how I physically felt. So my friend and I searched the Visions studios online and he advised to call the Prahran studio. I bit the bullet, called and made the appointment!

What results have you achieved?

I'm pleased to say I feel healthier, lighter and more comfortable! My time is more balanced as I'm prioritising my health, not just work or others.

Another result - my friend stopped nagging me about joining!

How has life changed for you?

I don't have the nagging self-talk of "you should go to the gym, you shouldn't eat/drink that", I'm just working exercise and tracking my food into my day. I don't waste time with those negative thoughts! I also feel like I'm on track to get back to the weight I was 7 years ago.

Now my friend nags me now to join Bumble and Tinder…

What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?

That the Prahran studio is very friendly, welcoming with a variety of classes and seminars. And that there's no hooded men grunting in the corner lifting weights!

Stretching in awkward positions that you would not catch me in public doing!

What are some defining moments during your journey?

That my friend took me to a nude beach!! To be grounded and in touch with nature he said! Ok that memorable.

What is defining is that I have established a routine to increase my daily steps and attend regular weekly classes. Also that I achieved my first goal of a weight of under 70 kgs!

What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?

Have a friend that nags you to join. Then just start with small steps, call and book a consultation! The rest will follow.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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