Client from Prahran
Tell me about your life before Vision?
I was working too hard, high stress levels. I had been doing Pilates for nine years but felt I needed to change it up. I was carrying too much weight and it was affecting my energy levels.
What results have you achieved?
Since working with Blake, I have lost around 5kgs (target 8-10) and reduced my visceral score. I have found my sessions really address my stress levels and energize me!
How has life changed for you?
I feel more like myself. Stress is under control, favourite clothes fit properly again and my body feels stronger.
What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?
Working out doesn't seem like work. It's fun and a real break out from the rest of the day.
What are some defining moments during your journey?
Hitting the 5 kg mark, being able to ride my bike home without getting puffed out and discovering my love for boxing!
What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and thinking about making a change?
It is worth it? You won't look back. Changing the way you feel about yourself changes the way you look at everything.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Prahran Success Stories

Keith Pawah

Michelle Cole
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