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Maxine Stokes

At 74, I'm stronger, more confident and enjoying life again!
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Client from Bondi Junction | Trainer: Dale Burns

Before Bondi-Before
After BondiAfter

When I joined Vision in late October 2022 I was at a very low point in my life, my partner of 30 years had passed away and I had isolated myself at home, only moving from my bedroom to my lounge chair in front of the TV and not interacting with anyone. I drank far too much, ate all the wrong foods and gained weight. I lost my zest for life totally.

After 18 months of existing like this, I saw an ad for Vision Personal Training on Facebook to which I responded having realised that life was passing me by and I needed to do something about it because it was up to me to take myself in hand.

I met with Max, the studio owner, who put me together with Dale Burns who has been my Personal Trainer for the eight or so months I have now been a member at Vision. Thanks to my sessions with Dale twice weekly and listening to his advice and encouragement I have so far lost 12 kilos, and continuing on this path. I have regained my confidence and am attending classes at the gym five, sometimes 6 times per week including my twice weekly Personal Trainer sessions with Dale.

There are also seminars, nutrition sessions and shopping tours which I take advantage of on a regular basis. Best of all, I feel like me again. Vision have truly given me my life back. At 74 years of age I'm the oldest member at our Bondi Junction studio, and am loving every minute of it. I've never been one to exercise but am loving it and the results I'm getting because of it. I'm stronger, more confident and enjoying life again. The culture at Vision is remarkable in that there is every age group represented, and no judgement. The trainers and members are respectful, welcoming and supportive. I love being part of this amazing community. Thank goodness I found it!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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