Client from Hawthorn

1. Tell us about your life before joining Vision?
Classic couch potato and a massive emotional eater, living predominantly on chocolate and all things sweet or fried and washing it down with soft drink is an apt way to describe the old me. Working very long hours, I was getting insufficient sleep and was extremely unfit; even walking puffed me out. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, was diagnosed borderline diabetic and my confidence was at an all-time low.
I was uncomfortable in my own skin, hiding behind big clothes and being the fat funny girl. I never exercised and always found excuses not to walk anywhere. I had tried several gyms, as well as personal training, Pilates and boot camp previously, all unsuccessfully; never losing weight, improving my health or self-esteem issues.
2. What results have you achieved at Vision?
I was desperate to run, but James Harris, my awesome Personal Trainer wouldn't budge, initially due to my weight and then injuries. Finally, in May 2016 James agreed that I could start gentle beginner running with a view to entering the Carmen's Classic in December 2016. This was to be my first running event. This didn't quite work to plan though as I've managed to do Run Melbourne 5km, De Castella 5km, Harvest Run 6km, Melbourne Marathon 10km and am about to do City 2 Sea 15km, all before doing the Carmen's Classic 10km (my initial goal event).
With James and Vision's help, I've lost 70kgs in 11 months. I'm running and loving it; with plans to run my first Half Marathon in early 2017 and the NY Marathon (with Vision) in November 2017.
3. What impact has Vision had on your life since achieving your amazing results?
I always struggled with clothing. Wearing a size 26-28, it was hard to find clothes that I felt comfortable in, let alone felt good in and I was limited to where I could shop. Going in to a fitting room was never a happy experience. Thanks to Vision teaching me about healthy nutrition and now embracing exercise, I'm wearing size 8-10 clothes and can go into any shop, choosing styles I like.
So much fitter than I was before joining Vision, I also have a clean bill of health now. I no longer find excuses not to walk anywhere, it's the exact opposite.
Vision has educated me about healthy food options, helped me develop a love for exercise and supported me with my confidence building. Exercise is part of my daily life now and my week consists of Personal Training sessions, x-training, boxing, strength, run club, cardio and walks or runs. I've also developed a love of participating in events.
4. What are some of the defining moments during your journey?
There have been so many defining moments and goals set and achieved since joining Vision, but two really stand out above the rest.
When I started with Vision on 19 November 2015, I was shocked and horrified to discover I weighed in at 138.2kgs. To add to this, due to my very large frame, I wasn't able to bend down to tie my own shoelaces. Emotionally, both of these were quite confronting and distressing. Without saying a word or making me feel worse about myself, my astute trainer James, realising I was waiting for my partner to come and help me with my laces, wordlessly assumed the role of tying them for me. He did this weekly after weigh-in for the first few months, until I was able to bend down and tie them myself. How is this a defining moment? It took everything I had to walk up those stairs and commit to making a dramatic change to the life that I knew; to break very bad eating, exercising and sleeping habits. Feeling about myself the way I did, the thoughtfulness, gentleness and respect that James showed me, truly helped me push through the challenges I faced while changing my eating habits, learning to love exercise, and improve my relationship with myself.
I tend to set some high-end goals and I was determined that James and I would make the 70kg weight loss club in time for his birthday in October. In the weeks leading up to his birthday, I was impatiently watching the scales creep towards the weight needed to achieve this goal, not sure if this would be met, but working hard to achieve it. But meet it we did!
5. What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?
It can be confronting, even scary. Depending on where your head is at, it can take a bit of courage to reach out and ask for help. Walking up those stairs that first night was daunting; with thoughts such as what if people laugh at me because of how I look, or if I can't grasp the exercises?
It's not necessarily about weight loss for everyone. Some people are at their ideal weight, or happy with where they're at. For some people it's about wanting to bulk up. There's also opportunity for improving your health and fitness.
The fantastic team at Vision Personal Training makes going in to the Studio fun. It's a caring, supportive community. I've made lots of lifelong friends there too.
Joining Vision Personal Training has been a life changing experience! Vision Personal Training is a supportive community; trainers and clients alike. You get back what you put in. If you commit, you'll definitely get results. Don't wait, life's too short! I can't recommend Vision Personal Training highly enough. Vision changes people's lives, it can change yours too!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Hawthorn Success Stories

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