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Kara Harris

I am educating my children on the importance of feeling strong in mind and body.
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Client from Prahran

Kara Harris (after)


Tell me about your life before Vision?

I have always been physically active. I played sports through school years, continued to play Netball as an adult, jogged and ran in fun runs with my father, and at different times, was a member of a gym.

However, I never really felt that I was in control of my training, nor my results. I knew what good food was, but didn't ever appreciate the importance of protein and other nutrients in the appropriate proportions for my goals.

One morning, late last year, I could barely get out of bed due to a bad lower back. I for the first time in my life (at 47) attended a physio. He recommended strongly that I prioritise a change to my physical activity, that I seek a personal trainer for guidance, and commence Pilates exercise program. I decided I needed to do something different to get some different results.

What Results have you achieved?

I arrived at Vision with a weight loss goal, a strength goal and a desire to be educated and directed on the right and proportionate exercise for me, my body, my age, and my life.
In addition I gained an education in nutrition which I've discovered is the most important thing in maintaining a consistent fitness and overall health mindset.

How has life changed for you?

I now have a more active life, every day, than I ever have. I have completely changed the way I exercise, the type of exercise, the frequency of exercise, and as a result my energy for and commitment to exercise has increased. I am strong. I am educating my children on the importance of feeling strong in mind and body.

What is your favourite thing about training at Vision?

I love the weekly commitment of training at Vision, in and around the rest of my training week.
I love having to report in on my eating patterns (good and bad) and exercise commitment (good and bad) weekly.
This means if things go pear shaped (which they do....I am only human) I/Jesse can get things steered back on track quickly.
Reporting in weekly and seeing fluctuating results, has also made the whole fitness, physical goals, weight loss, nutrition equation  a very transparent and manageable subject for me. It is a sensitive subject for many, but I've learnt it just is what it is (energy in and energy out).

I love being told what to do by people who know what they are talking about. 
I've never struggled with the self discipline to exercise, but to be channelled by a professional PT in the direction of achieving my goals (however simple) is 'the best'. It's definitely empowering to see time achieve small personal goals and improvements.

What are some of the defining moments during your journey? 

I have been training at Vision for 12 months now, and haven't missed a week. I feel I'm just starting my journey. I have lost weight but more than this I am stronger in mind and body, more educated around a balanced, active and nutritious life, and definitely feel more energised, consistent in mood and in control of the outcome.

I am including my children in my weekly exercise now...they run with me and train with me.  I love this. It is good for us as a family and I hope educating them on the everyday importance of physical activity and making good food choices.

What advice would you give someone in a similar situation to where you were, and is thinking about making a change?

It is difficult to say anything to others who are not personally 'ready' to make a commitment to change and themselves. If asked though, or if someone says, 'you look so well' or 'how do you find the energy' or 'how do you find the time to exercise', I say:

I committed to a personal change in my life, the change was more exercise and education on achieving my health goals, with the help from Vision and it's one of the best things I've ever done...wish I'd prioritised it earlier!


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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