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Jo Purcell

I am fit enough to do virtually anything I want to do!
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Client from Hawthorn

Before Jo Purcell (before)
After Jo Purcell (after)

1. Tell us about your life before joining Vision?

Before Vision I did attend another local gym twice a week for classes. I was a member there for many years, but it never gave me the boost, weight loss or belonging that I now have achieved! 

2. What results have you achieved at Vision?

When I joined Vision Hawthorn, I immediately found the help I needed to get fit, healthy and lose weight. Together with the Group Sessions, the One on One Personal Training has enabled me to achieve a great weight loss (close to 20kgs!!). I am also fitter now than I was in my younger years - I have done several fun run/walks with Vision, including the 16km Run for the Kids a couple of years ago. I am doing things I never thought I would be able to do and I feel great. 

3. What impact has Vision had on your life since achieving your amazing results? 

Vision has made an important impact on my life in many ways. I now feel confident in the way I look, in the way I feel and I am fit and well enough to do virtually anything I want to do! I had my first cold this winter after three years of not being sick which is amazing. I get a lot of comments and compliments from my friends and family as they are noticing all of the above. I also know how much of an impact exercise and eating well has on your mental health - I feel mentally stronger and more able to cope with life's difficulties when I keep up my daily routine. 

4.What are some of the defining moments during your journey?

Some of the defining moments of my journey with Vision have obviously been the great weight loss, but also the strength for normal life situation and it enables me to have a better lifestyle. The amazement of others at Vision (and elsewhere) at what I CAN do and LOVE doing at the Studio and in my day to day life makes me realise how lucky I am,  at my age especially. I also really appreciate the friendships I have developed over the years at the Studio. 

5. What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?

Anyone at any age who would like to change their life situation; I would say starting with your health and fitness is a great way to go, as it supports the rest of your life. Life gets easier, less stressful and more enjoyable when you are fit and healthy. It can be done in a very friendly environment at Vision. 


Note from Ashild, Jo's PT over the last 4 years; Jo is the inspiration of so many of our clients and Trainers at Vision Hawthorn. She was nicknamed Jo "Machine" Purcell years ago as she is a machine! Jo is in the studio most days at 5:35AM warming up for group sessions at 6AM and attends a minimum of 4 groups per week, plus her one on one Personal Training sessions with me. I always tell her "If I am half as fit as you are at your age, I'll be extremely happy!". Jo is a joy to train; the jokes are never far away and she sees the positive in any situation! I am so proud of her and everything she has achieved since the first day she (struggled to) walk up those stairs! Jo, you are a legend! 

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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