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Darlene Mcgrouther

Lost over 15kg
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Bangor

Before Darlene McGrouther (before)
After Darlene McGrouther (after)

I have been overweight for most of my adult life.  I had 2 of my 4 children very close together and I never lost the baby weight afterwards.  I've always been the sort of person who made excuses for why I couldn't lose weight. I always thought I was too busy and would do it when the kids were off my hands.  I even convinced myself that I was happy being the size I was and it wasn't about who I was on the outside, that the inside mattered more. I was kidding myself that I was happy!!

Over the years, I tried many weight loss programmes with only short-term success. Weight Watchers {several times}, Jenny Craig, the cabbage diet, the CSIRO diet, the 5/2 diet and Michelle Bridges.

I realized after all this I was basically a lazy person, too lazy to exercise, too lazy to cook healthy meals, it was just all too hard.

Then 3 years ago my best friend joined Vision and I literally watched her disappear before my eyes.  60 kilos to be exact.  She lost kilo after kilo and the food she was eating and the exercise she was doing looked pretty achievable to me.  She was my inspiration!!!!

Last May I joined Vision and I haven't looked back. If I'd known it was going to be this easy I would have joined 20 years ago.  With the support of my Trainers I have managed to lose 15 kilos so far and am confident in losing a couple of kilos more and reaching my goal weight soon.  Everyone at Vision is so welcoming and friendly and I have never experienced such a supportive environment in my whole life. My health has improved, my kids and granddaughter think I'm a legend and my husband thinks I'm gorgeous!!!  It did take me 56 years to get here but boy it's been worth the wait.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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