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Courtney Welsh

-14kg and no more PND!
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Client from Blackburn

Before Courtney Welsh (before)
After Courtney Welsh (after)

When I found Kimberley and the Vision team my second son was just over a year old. At 7 months, postpartum I was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and severe anxiety disorder.

My whole world had fallen apart - with 2 children, a job and a busy schedule, I was so focused on getting well that I hadn't realised the medication I was on had caused me to gain a little over 10kgs in a mere few months - I was devastated and felt as though I was lost again even though I was getting better. I awoke one day and the light was shining again. I thought "this is it, I'm done feeling like I've got nothing to fight for anymore, I'm ready to get my life back and take control of my weight". That's when Kimberley gave me the support, patience and understanding of what I needed to change my life for good.

The first thing she said was that eating clean and training hard is not a diet, nor a challenge or a fad; it's a lifestyle choice. These words stuck in my head and that's the mantra I live by now. My PND started to ease, my energy levels increased, my concentration grew and I started to feel strong both physically and mentally. It wasn't easy, I'm not going to say it was, but it was more than worth it and I've loved every second of changing my lifestyle and watching my mind and body change every single day.

I have now lost 14kgs and am continually losing centimetres as I travel through my journey. I feel fantastic - I have decreased my medication, sleep better than I ever have, I have increased energy levels, my moods are stable, and my head is always clear. The coeliac disease I had been diagnosed with after the birth of my first child is now well under control. Not only has my body changed but making sure I have that 30-45 minutes every day for myself has helped me be a better wife, mother and friend. It's a struggle to find the time some days but I make sure I either train early mornings before the kids wake up or I've been out on a 12k ride at 9pm at night multiple times when needed. There are no excuses for me anymore and I couldn't feel better for it.

Kimberley was not only a support, she was a wealth of knowledge for me especially in regards to nutrition. There was no question that was silly for her. She showed me what I was capable of and I am so thankful for her. Her job is her passion and she shares that passion with each and every client. She becomes your friend and your mentor; your relationship with her is not that of just a trainer but you know as her client she genuinely cares and is always in your corner. She doesn't beat around the bush and I respect her for that - she's a phenomenal trainer! I feel like I've developed the skills and knowledge to be able to maintain my weight now, I know how to make smart food choices and I'm excited for the future. I can run, do squats, lunges and push my body further than I ever thought possible.

I have lost 14kgs now, dropped 2 dress sizes and my mental health is the best it's been since I had either of my children. In this time I have not only lost the weight and learnt to keep it off, but also managed to quit smoking without gaining weight. Learning what my body is capable of gave me the strength to quit cold turkey - and I will be forever grateful.

I know it can seem very overwhelming and there are so many quick diets out there but if there's one thing I've learnt over my 12 months with Vision it's that all you need is a positive attitude, 30 minutes a day, and the 'train hard and eat clean attitude' and you've got this.

I'm a busy mum, with a husband, 2 active little boys, a job, and all that comes with those responsibilities so I understand how hard it is but your health is so important to be able to give your all to your family - making time for myself saved my family and I am ready to keep smashing goals alongside the vision team!

What's stopping you? Let's do this!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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