Client from Neutral Bay
I have always been a fairly active person, having swum, played tennis and also competed at a high level with my horses for years. After having children most of that stopped and I became very weak and unfit.
However, I had always hated gyms and their macho culture so it took a fair amount of convincing from family and friends, who had joined Vision, to give it a go.
My goal when I joined was just to get fit and strong and return to the sports I loved.
It is now 18 months down the track. I have postponed the return to my previous sports because I don't want to injure myself for the events I am now training for!
I have taken on challenges I never thought I would even attempt. When I joined Vision I couldn't even run 300 meters without stopping but this year with the encouragement and support of Vision Neutral Bay, in particular my awesome Trainer, I have successfully completed two triathlons, numerous community running events and am training for my first half marathon.
I have also changed my eating habits and have followed a carefully structured strength program which has meant that I have lost the weight I wanted to, my body is toned and strong and am now metabolically 6 years younger.
I have learnt so much about myself during this process. I have conquered some big fears, am stronger than ever and more mentally robust and I am always on the hunt for a new challenge. But what I love most is that I am showing my children anything is possible and am hopefully inspiring them to live active, healthy and brave lives.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Neutral Bay Success Stories
Kristie Steggles
Neutral BayAre you our next success story?
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