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Anthea Hemphill

I lost 12kg and came off insulin.
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Client from Bondi Junction | Trainer: Ashleigh Abela


10 years ago my son asked me if I'd ever looked into Vision Personal Training. He'd been talking with a franchisee and he thought it sounded like a sensible way of life rather than a "fad" diet option. What I took away from our conversation was not only that Vision sounded like a smart, well rounded programme which offered a maintainable weight loss and fitness regime, but it was a wake up call to me that I could no longer pretend that I didn't have an issue with my weight and health. It took my son's tactful and concerned comments to provide the impetus for me to look into Vision.

I went to an information evening and signed up to the 9 week challenge, although initially I wasn't really committed. I came 2nd, lost over 12 kgs and felt really positive about continuing. Also as a type 2 diabetic I came off insulin and my tablets were reduced by over half.

Now 10 years later I am probably the fittest I have ever been. I never enjoyed exercise before and now thanks to Vision I love my PT sessions. The trainers are amazing and under Max's great leadership, Vision Bondi Junction has a truly positive and friendly vibe. I look forward to my PT sessions and thanks to Ashleigh's care as well as all the trainers encouragement, I have a positive attitude to being able to succeed with my weight loss goals. Thanks Vision Bondi Junction for your care and support. I look forward to the next part of my journey!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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