Client from Lindfield | Trainer: Amie Wells

Tell us about your life before joining Vision Personal Training Lindfield?
Before joining Vision, I was stuck in a cycle. I would work and sleep. I would skip meals either because I was busy at work or I would be trying to counter act when I did indulge in meals. I ate a lot of rich foods and didn’t balance my diet with these. When I did exercise it was irregular and light, never pushing myself too hard.
What was the state of your health and fitness when you started and what affect was this having on your life?
I believed that I was stronger and fitter than what I really was. I didn’t realise how much my health and fitness had declined over the years. Going for walks, walking up a flight of stairs and even carrying heavy groceries was tiresome quickly. I was self-conscious about my size and the clothing I wore and became more reclusive and was socialising less and less.
What results have you achieved at Vision Personal Training Lindfield?
When I started at Vision, I was close to 100kg on the scales. I was introduced to my trainer on day one and they helped to keep me accountable and gave me a sense of letting someone else down if I didn’t reach my goals. For the first time in my life, it wasn’t just myself working to my goal. To date I have lost 25kgs, I have participated in three raw challenges, the 5km foam run, The Bowral Classic Bike Ride and The Push Up Challenge raising money for mental health. I have been more confident and comfortable in social settings.
What did you find was the most useful tool at Vision?
The trainers have been the most useful tools to my weight loss and fitness journey. Having someone keeping me accountable and on track has played a huge part in my achievements. Previously it was only me letting myself down if I wasn’t remaining on track or wavering from my fitness goals, the trainers at Vision helped keep me there. The trainers are very informative of local walks, cycle tracks and meal plans. The trainers are great at initialising social interaction with the clientele and making all the staff and clients feel like one team.
What impact has your new health and fitness had on your new life?
I am more confident when socialising. I was once very self-conscious about going out for a meal, places with large crowds or even shopping in clothing stores. My new figure and energy have given me confidence that I can have a wider selection of clothing options, walking with friends is better as I am less out of breath and can keep a good pace, and I enjoy going out more to public places.
What keeps you motivated?
Seeing results helps drive me and keeps me motivated. The personal trainers help keep me accountable too. Also having positive feedback from friends, family, the Vision team and the community has been very motivating.
What advice would you give to someone that is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?
It is easy to keep putting things off “diet starts Monday”, ”new year’s resolution is to lose weight”, "I will start tomorrow”. Only you can make that change and it is better to start small instead of not starting at all. At Vision there is no judgement and the support to help you reach your goals has literally been life changing for me.
If you were to recommend Vision Personal Training Lindfield to your friends, what would you say?
I wish I had started at Vision Personal Training Lindfield sooner. I had been a member at other gyms over the years however none offered the support I have received from Vision. Committing to the process at Vision was encouraging and rewarding. They encourage team activities which has created new friendship groups, when you sign up it is so much more than a gym, and everyone has been very supportive and encouraging of my weight loss journey.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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