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Become A Morning Person

Don't consider yourself a morning person? Let Vision PT show you how you can easily become a morning person with these very useful and simple tips.
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By Nathan Weidemann at Prahran

It seems like there are two types of people, those who like getting up early and those who flat out don't. I myself have always loved getting up early, getting the most out of my day, even before becoming a personal trainer.

If you have been wanting to get your morning workouts done, but haven't been able to get out of bed, here are some handy tips that can help you to become a great morning person!

Make sure you get enough sleep
One of the main reasons people like to sleep in, is because they don't get enough sleep the night before. If you are really serious about becoming a morning person, you need to set up a proper sleep schedule that allows you to be able to wake up early without leaving you feeling tired and grumpy. You should always try to aim to get approximately 8 hours of sleep a night, but this can be different for each individual. Try and set your alarm for whatever time you would like to get up in the morning, and aim to be in bed early enough to get your 7-8 hours sleep a night. Your body might take some time to get used to your new schedule but make sure you try and stick with it. If you are still feeling tired, you might need to increase the amount of hours you sleep each night temporarily while your body gets used to your new sleeping pattern.

Create a Good Bedtime Routine,
If you are someone who's idea of a 'good' bedtime routine is settling down whilst watching the latest TV show, I'm sorry to say this may not help you become a better morning person. Going to bed should be relaxing and calming, and ideally technology free. This is because the brightness of your laptop, iPad and iPhone screen can suppress melatonin production, which is the hormone that helps you feel sleepy. Try to create a great routine that you can look forward to and is relaxing to help you fall asleep easier. How about try running a relaxing bath, reading a book, burning your favourite incense or candles. If you are one who tends to over think things at night, how about try and write down anything that is worrying you before you go to bed. This is a great way to let your worries and feelings out and help clear your mind.

Make sure you eat a good breakfast
If you are not a morning person because you find yourself feeling grumpy sluggish and rely on a cup of take away coffee as your breakfast here is your fix. You need to start eating a proper breakfast filled with protein, complex carbohydrates and fibre and see how much better you can start your day off. After sleeping all night, eating a healthy breakfast helps to kickstart your metabolism and fuels your body for your day ahead. My favourite breakfast to start my day is a bowl of Oats with strawberries, eggwhites & almond milk or a Goodness barley wrap with an eggwhite omelette with tomato spinach and avocado.

Get up and just do it
Sometimes it's not about what we want, but what we need. We can come up with every excuse in the book as to why we need more sleep, but if you truly want to get something done in the morning, to help you get closer to your goals you need to just get up. Don't think of it as a chore, and something you don't want to do, change your mindset and think about all the amazing things getting up early is going to help you achieve. Having positive thoughts about being an early riser will definitely help to make it easier and become part of your daily life.

Leave your blinds open at night
Our bodies are really sensitive to light and temperature, which is why sometimes you just can't sleep in, even if you have had a long night. When the sun rises in the morning, your body will take this as a clue that it is time to wake up. If you don't want to leave your blinds completely open, try leaving them cracked a tiny bit which can be enough to help to wake you up in the morning. 

Put your alarm on the other side of the room
If you sleep within arm's reach of your alarm so you can hit snooze as soon as possible, make it harder for yourself to switch it off. Put your alarm on the other side of the room so you have no choice but to get up and turn to switch it off. The chances are if you are up and standing, you will find it easier to 'wake up'. 

I hope these little easy tips help you become a better morning person!


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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