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Mariana Araya

I humbly need to recognize that I was completely wrong….
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Blakehurst

Before Mariana Araya (before)
After Mariana Araya (after)

Mariana lost over 10KG with Vision!!!

My experience with Vision Personal Training Blakehurst has offered me so much more than I expected when I joined the program, about 4 months ago…. 

At the time, I was not completely sure Vision was a suitable choice for me. I am person who likes to BE INDEPENDENT and did not feel comfortable with the idea of working on my own personal goals with someone that I did not even know.

I humbly need to recognize that I was completely wrong….

Vision Personal Training Blakehurst, and my  highly dedicated Personal Trainer, have been a very significant part of one of my life changing experiences.  I hope to continue in this journey that has helped me to lose excess WEIGHT , get fitter, and have a level of vitality and energy that goes beyond what I have ever experienced. Most importantly, Vision has provided me with the opportunity to tap into my physical and inner strength.

When I commenced  my Training with Vision, other aspects of my personal life were unsettled and troubled. Life, as I knew it for many years, was rapidly changing. 

Vision provided me with two weekly sessions at the Studio with an EXCEPTIONAL PERSONAL TRAINER. This combo of sessions and trainer, equipped  me well with the opportunity to challenge and push myself to a level that I did not think it was physically possible for me. Each session working with Luigi proved to me the power of my body, DIRECTLY AFFECTING the power that I was experiencing and building internally.

The journey is far from over! Feeling healthy,  fit and strong, I feel my life has taken a turn and there is no going back. 

THANK YOU to Vision for your amazing approach to a healthier lifestyle, and especially a big thank you to Luigi for your endless support, dedication, and for raising the bar of my physical potential. Also, I am grateful for the patience you show every time you see that I have consumed more carbohydrates than I would need in a lifetime!!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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