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Luke Mitchell

20 kg Weight Loss
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Success Story Page Header

Client from North Sydney

Before Luke Mitchell (before)
After Luke Mitchell (after)

Thank you Vision Personal Training North Sydney for helping me achieve and exceed my goals.  When I started I was always intimidated by gyms and weights but now I enjoy it and it could have only be possibly through positive environment that you guys provide where I really was able to get the results continually week after week. 

Like anything, the first 9 weeks are hard and there is a battle with the scales with the ups and downs however, after a while you are enjoying it so much that the scales end up a secondary outcome as you enjoy the people and seeing your body shape change.  Once you make attendance a habit and don't change your sessions around and keep the cardio consistent week after week I found that I was improving and sub-consciously always wanting to beat my last set mark.

Since started I have recommended Vision to others and they are getting similar results.

The motivating factor for me is that there is always something to improve on and having the habit of healthy eating and going to the gym monitored by Vision makes it really easy and enjoyable.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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