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Ongoing Goal Setting

A great tip to keeping yourself accountable to these tasks and goals
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles

By Dan Roitman at Southport

We all know how important it is to set goals to ensure we progress and grow as people. By writing down our biggest goals and breaking them down into daily and weekly tasks, we get a much clearer idea of what needs to be done to get us to our goals. These daily tasks could be simple things such as reading every day or making sure we do at least 1 hour of exercise each day. By setting and completing these daily tasks, we guarantee that we will reach our big goals without constantly thinking about how big and scary they may be. If we break them down properly, and complete all the required tasks, we can be confident that we will reach any goal that we set.


Of course the bigger the goal we set, the longer it will take, and more daily/weekly tasks will need to be completed. This comes down to understanding our personal lives and organizing the right amount of time and dedication to our goals. How important is your goal to you?

On the other hand, if we aren't completing these small (and generally simple) tasks, we have to ask ourselves, is this big goal we set really something we want to achieve?  If it isn't, sit down and have a think about something you really want to achieve and set it as your goal.


Now we begin to complete our initial small goals. As we're doing this, it's important to continuously think about our big goal to ensure it is always important to us. From there we begin to set ongoing goals that will bring us closer to our ideal personal lives.

As we persist with these goals, we will become more and more efficient at completing the tasks, and eventually realize that we can probably add more into each day to achieve our goals faster. It is always important to find a healthy balance between focusing on our goals, and still managing to enjoy our day with family and friends etc.


By the time you have achieved your first big goal, you will understand yourself so much better, allowing you to set more realistic goals based on different aspects of life.

A great tip to keeping yourself accountable to these tasks and goals is to tell the 3 people that are closest to you your goals. This way they can keep you on track and help you out when the going gets tough. Not only will this help you, but hopefully it will encourage your friends and family to begin setting goals that they've always wanted to achieve too.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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