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Meet The Runners Taking On New York Marathon! Part 4

In this Vision Personal Training article we meet the runners taking on the New York Marathon - Part 4. Click here to read on.
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By Alex Anasson at Hawthorn

Being Michele's favourite city, New York Marathon was always on her bucket list of things to do and in 2016 Michele decided she would begin training for it. Unfortunately, an injury set her back but when Vision PT Hawthorn was organising a group to go she jumped on it! This year Michele has faced some challenges but is stepping up to the start line looking fit, strong and ready to go! 

What are you most looking forward to in relation to the New York Marathon?

I am most looking forward to crossing the finish line in a place I have such an emotional attachment to.

How has your training been going?

My training has been ok. Have had a few health setbacks during the year and haven't always got my intervals and hills done but try not to miss long runs.

What has been the hardest part of training for this race?

The hardest by far is long runs on my own. So hard to stay motivated and work out new ways to go and calculate so you fit in the distance. 

What has been the best part?

The best part is being able to share it. Marnie and I touch base at least a couple of times a week to count down and see how the other is going and also Dave or Saint Dave as I call him has been amazing!

Have you got anything special/rituals you will be doing on race day?

On race day I will just try to focus and bring on the start as quick as possible! And the end! 

Did you ever think you would be running a marathon?

Never thought I could run 5 kilometres, let alone a half marathon or the real thing! It still doesn't seem real yet! 

Any tips to anyone looking at taking on their first marathon or fun run?

Only tip would be anyone can run a marathon if you put in the hard work and have positive thoughts!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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