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Hate mornings a little less & reap the rewards

Training first thing in the morning can be beneficial for many reasons. For some, it can be the only time in the day they have complete control over! Getting up and taking time to yourself before your family awakes or before you go to work or just gets away from you can be the best way to ensure you action your intentions for exercise! 
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles
By Deni Curtis at Surry Hills published July 18, 2016
last updated November 23, 2020

Training first thing in the morning can be beneficial for many reasons. For some, it can be the only time in the day they have complete control over! Getting up and taking time to yourself before your family awakes or before you go to work or just gets away from you can be the best way to ensure you action your intentions for exercise! 

But what if you absolutely HATE mornings? As personal trainers, our days begin early each and every day. We know there is magic to be found in the morning! When you begin the day by taking time for yourself to invest in your health, move, sweat and boost your body with energy is always an amazing feeling. You will never regret showing up and exercising first thing in the morning - you always leave smiling and feeling ready to conquer the rest of the day. 

But what if you absolutely HATE mornings despite acknowledging that these things might be true? 

Read on for as our trainers share their top tips for getting out of bed before the sun comes up!   

Don't jump out of bed! 

Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier than you actually need to get up. The aim here is to avoid having to throw yourself out of bed. A startled and rushed start to your day is never going to be pleasant to wake up to! Setting your alarm 5 minutes earlier than you actually have to get up will allow you to wake up without having to jump straight out of bed. Taking a few minutes to lie in bed and stretch before you get up will allow you to start the day feeling calm and steady.

Let your theme song start your day! Mobile phones allow you to customize your alarm, and this can be a more positive and uplifting start to the day. Find a song that motivates you and makes you feel good.


Be Organised

The old saying failing to prepare is preparing to fail is particularly true first thing in the morning! If you are running around your house trying to remember all the things you need for the gym, the clothes you need for work, what you can find in the fridge for breakfast… you are almost guaranteed to forget something!

Many people say that it is too hard to train in the morning for this reason - but if you simply organise yourself from the night before, this panicked, rushed feeling can be avoided altogether.

Pack your gym bag with all the things you will need for your session (water bottle, towel, headphones etc.)

Pack the clothing you will need to change into for work/the rest of your day. Consider the other personal items you may need such as your wallet or handbag.

Prepare your breakfast and other meals (include cutlery) for the day the night before. Pack them in a bag and leave it in the fridge ready. 

While these things don't necessarily impact your training session - it will remove the excuses and barriers around why training in the morning may be inconvenient! No excuses!


Coffee or Herbal Tea

A delicious hot drink can be a great incentive to start the day. Make yourself a mug of something warm and satisfying to boost your energy and reward yourself for getting out of bed!


Power in numbers

Find likeminded people to exercise with. The power of having people that also train in the morning is you can hold each other accountable to consistently showing up. Knowing that you have friends, or even a personal trainer waiting for you can be the push you need when you can't find the motivation from within yourself on sleepy mornings.


Consistency is key 

Going to bed at a reasonable time each night will make a world of difference in how easy or challenging it feels to wake up each morning. The benefits of getting enough sleep are well documented and should be taken seriously. Going to bed at the same time each night will allow your body to develop a routine of rest and make getting up at the same time every morning much easier! After a few weeks your body will dictate that it's time to go to bed, and you might even find yourself waking naturally just before your alarm! Consistency is key!




*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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