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The benefit of exercise on your mental health

Physical exercise is well known to have many benefits for your health.

By Conor Davison, Personal Trainer at Randwick

Physical exercise is well known to have many benefits for your health, from lowering your blood pressure to reducing your risk of developing certain cancers. But one benefit of exercise that is often overlooked is its impact on mental health.

Now, during these uncertain times it more important than ever before. Society, only in recent years has begun to understand the importance of mental health and well-being. Your mental health impact every aspect of your life, from your relationships with those you love to your potential at work.

Exercise is one way we can take care of and improve our mental health. Not only does exercise improve your mental health, but it reduces your risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. If you already have such conditions, exercise can assist with decreasing the severity of these conditions. The body releases the chemicals serotonin and endorphins during exercise. These chemicals not only improve your mood but have the potential to assist with the chemical imbalance in your body.

Regular exercise improves sleep and good sleeping habits are crucial to both mental and physical health. Proper sleep assists in the regulation of your mood, with those who lack sleep often feeling depressed and lacking concentration. A better sleep leads to more energy, more energy leads to better food choices that give you the energy to want to exercise. Exercise also gives you a purpose, a reason to leave the house and socialise with others.

Many people who join an exercise class, such as boxing, are given purpose as not only do they have a reason to leave the house, but they have trainers and friends expecting them to attend. Boxing, or other such exercises, can also be an outlet for your frustration and anger. Having a consistent exercise routine can have so many hidden benefits and flow on effects, especially maintaining your mental health.

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