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Virginia Kelman

16kgs Lost & 2 Half Marathons Completed
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Client from Wollongong | Trainer: Scott Garlepp

Before Virgina-Before
After Virgina-After

I had a very busy life balancing family, work and volunteering commitments, as well as playing netball twice a week. I thought I was fit and had a healthy lifestyle, but overall, I felt unwell and was a bit overweight. I tried walking to improve my fitness but didn’t have a dedicated routine, so I found excuses not to and lost motivation. I didn’t feel good about myself and knew something had to change, but I lacked the confidence to join a gym or get a Personal Trainer. I was caught between wanting to change but not having the courage to do it. I had previously joined a ladies-only gym but found their program confusing and the results didn’t happen. I decided that joining a gym was obviously not for me. I lost confidence in my ability to make positive lifestyle improvements just in case they turned out wrong again. I was too busy to make time to prioritise improving my health and fitness until a serious health scare 2017 required immediate lifestyle changes.

A friend recommended Vision Wollongong as their program was different to other gyms and would probably suit me. That Vision is a ‘whole of person’ approach to health and wellbeing. Their integrated diet and exercise program makes sense and is easy to incorporate into my daily lifestyle. Training sessions are structured to meet goals and there is support every step of the way. I have learnt so much about the relationship between nutrition and exercise, and how to utilise that link to achieve optimal health and fitness benefits. Saturday Run Club has changed my life completely. I was persuaded by my personal trainer (who was also the organiser and didn’t take no for an answer!) to get up early every Saturday morning and run. As a reward, there was coffee when we finished. I wasn’t confident I could run at all but thought it would be a nice way to meet people at my new gym, so I gave it a try. I’ve now completed two half-marathons, numerous 10km runs and made great friends who encourage and support each other.

My training is now focussed on running, which has greatly improved my fitness and endurance. I was so nervous when I joined Vision Wollongong. Would I like it? Would it work for me? Would I fit in? Is everyone friendly? I quickly discovered that Vision studios are small, personal and very friendly. I love being part of such an encouraging and supportive community.

Vision has a strong commitment to their clients’ health, fitness and overall well-being. Programs are tailored for the individual and their specific requirements – there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. I am encouraged and supported in training, kept on track and accountable, and always aiming to improve. The trainers know everyone by name and always chat to you, whether they train you or not. Everyone is genuinely interested in you and your progress at Vision, whether they are a trainer or fellow client. Achievements are recognised and celebrated. There is support and encouragement when things don’t go to plan. Group training sessions, including Saturday Run Club, are great for developing friendships with like-minded people who want to be fit and healthy. As a bonus, you are fit and feel great.

Vision is more than a just a gym. Their programs are focussed on sustainable dietary and exercise habits you will have for life. The Personal Trainers are professional, knowledgeable and supportive. They are there for you in the good times, and the bad ones too. Under the expert guidance of my trainer, I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been. We are a great team. He understands my strengths and limitations and has created a comprehensive training routine around them. The structured nature of my PT and training routines has given me the confidence to set and achieve goals both in the gym and in my personal life. The Vision community is welcoming, vibrant and friendly and when you walk into a studio there is always a friendly greeting, and a farewell when you leave.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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