Client from Kogarah

My first appointment at Vision was at the end of March 2018 and I'm not 100% sure of how I ended up at Vision but I'm certainly grateful that I did.
If I was a journal keeping type of person my journal entry for the day I signed up would read "I think I've had an out of body experience because I seem to have signed up for Personal Training". A moment of madness, but in retrospect one of the best things I've ever done.
Before coming to Vision I was overweight, unfit and very unhappy. A comment from my GP that included "gastric banding" and my name in the same sentence, and problems with my knee which may have required surgery (fixed with physio and weight loss) - were motivating factors to get fit.
Since joining Vision - my weight loss so far - 16kg. Improvements in fitness too hard to articulate, but suffice to say this time 6 months ago, all I could do to walk the dog around the corner, since starting at Vision I have participated in 3 fun runs (walking), and am planning to run my next one. The biggest improvement or change, however, has been in my mood and in my self-confidence. I didn't realise how unhappy I had been until I started feeling fitter, the fitter I feel the happier and stronger I feel too.
Lessons I've learned from the "best trainer in the world" or "the most patient trainer in the world" - Matt Parsons and the team at Vision Kogarah are - how to train, how to eat and how to goal set. Other things that I've learned - I like training and I love coming to the gym -who knew? The biggest lesson I've learned, though, is that when it comes to my health and fitness there are no excuses only choices, so when presented with a situation (both good and bad), the choices I make around food and exercise are mine, and I now have the tools to make the good choices. Thanks Matt P and everyone at Vision Kogarah. My hubby and kids thank you too.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
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