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Rebecca Barrow

14.85kg and 36cm lost and completed a 250km ultra marathon... in the Desert!
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile
Transformation at the bottom_Mobile

Client from Wollongong

Before Rebecca Barrow (before)
After Rebecca Barrow (after)

The mind and body I was living in prior to Vision was large, wobbly and frustrated. I had reached a point where I was miserable about how I looked, how I felt and the person I was. Getting dressed every day was such a laborious task and so depressing.

I guess it's the old situation of what you are currently doing is easiest. I had tried before (haven't we all) but nothing really lasted and I think that was simply due to my mindset not changing. There were small physical changes from time to time and positive changes to my fitness level, but I never made the change I needed psychologically and nothing ever lasted very long.

I guess the thing which surprised me the most about myself, was that I was able to stick with this program (and I am by no means a gold start student - I make lots of mistakes) and make a positive and long-lasting difference to my lifestyle. I am surprised also by being able to look at myself in the mirror before I go out and I like what I see. I feel like I look, nice, and that is such a wonderful feeling. When I started at Vision, I was terrified of being the slowest, fattest, most unfit client who would hold others back. I was the only person who ever made me feel this way. I was encouraged every step of the way by so many people, Manager, Trainers and other clients. I was told by the Manager when I started, to do something positive toward achieving my goals as soon as possible after making them. So, the next day I nervously went along to run club - in the end I ran 250kms through the Simpson Dessert. The advice I got was sound. It has all been sound and realistic.

DO IT! Give it a go. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Vision will offer you the opportunity to change your life and provide you with achievable guidelines to live by. Forget dieting - start living. Vision will help you understand your food, exercise and life choices and the impact these are having and could have on your health, fitness and happiness.

Personally, I have greatly enjoyed both the personal touch of the Trainers and the interest they show in what I can achieve but also the authentic friendships I have developed with other clients in this small studio environment. It's time to do something for you. Time to create a new Vision of who you want to be and let Vision Personal Training teach you how to make it happen.



*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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