Client from Wollongong

I have always been big, coming from big stock and have lived happily with the nickname "fat" since high school, bestowed upon me by my twin brother. My life was pretty cruisy most of the time, travelling for work and eating and drinking to excess, enjoying the fruits of this great land with good friends and family. In all, I was not uncomfortable with having a belly and big backside; rather, having these made me physically uncomfortable, notably in the knees, bending over and occasionally at work where I needed to access tight entrance ways to vessels. Many attempts at weight loss over the years have been successful in getting some weight off but this was always temporary and back up over time. It is not difficult if you persist, to avoid felling guilty when things go awry and doing something is far better than doing nothing. Setting a realistic goal and instilling a love of repetition is a key benefit and also learning what my limitations are without hurting myself. Another upside is being able to attend the Studio at any other time to use the facilities. Vision PT is about you. The PTs are trained and professional and the process, monitoring and training is focused on you as an individual. Give them a go, it will positively change your life.
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Wollongong Success Stories

Lauren Losurdo

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