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Donna Churches

lost over 30kgs
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Client from Brookvale

Before Donna Churches (before)
After Donna Churches (after)

Before I joined Vision Personal Training, I was feeling very unfit, always tired and not wanting to do anything. I was a member of another gym but wasnt really getting anywhere.

I had seen Vision Studios around and heard that they did things differently so called up and went in to find out more, which turned out to be one of the best things ive ever done, with the support and encouragement of my trainer Arron plus the rest of the Vision team, I have managed to lose 30kgs so far and am now feeling so happy active and the fittest I have in many many years. With me even recently completing the City2Surf and Pub2Pub runs, I would tell anyone who is considering Vision to just do it and not look back, they certainly wont regret it! 

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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