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David Hall

I have lost 12kgs and can now keep up with my daughter.
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Client from Engadine | Trainer: Angus Smith

Before David-Before
After David-After

After spending 14 years in the Army I decided to discharge. I had a decent level of fitness while I was in the Army however discharging meant I no longer had access to the regular structured physical training sessions the Army had provided. I have been to gyms off and on for years previously (and did make some good progress), but always lacked the motivation to keep going for any long term gains. I then had a baby daughter which made it even more difficult to find motivation to exercise and when I did, I felt guilty I was leaving my wife to do everything at home.

Four years went by, I jumped on the scales and found I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life. I no longer was doing any form of physical exercise and eating whatever I wanted. I didn’t like the way I looked and started to get embarrassed when taking my shirt off to swim. I knew if I didn’t do something soon I was never going to, and it wasn’t an example I wanted to set for my daughter.

I then joined Vision Engadine on one of their introductory plans to see if it was going to work with my lifestyle. I got paired up with their new Personal Trainer at the time Angus. Angus set out right away to analyse my goals, reasons for wanting to change and structured a 9 week physical training and nutrition program that was right for me.

I am now in my 6th month of being at Vision and have lost a total of 12kg. I have now surpassed all the strength gains I had made in other gyms previously, and setting my sights further on much heavier weightlifting goals. I now track all my food every day (which is very easy and takes around 2-5 minutes a day) and now realise the important role nutrition plays to my long term fitness goals. I am following a eating plan that is realistic, and by using the nutrition knowledge I have learnt I can maintain healthy choices even when eating out.

Best of all my cardio has improved dramatically so I can easily keep up with my 4 year old daughter when she wants to play. I look forward to every time I head into the Vision Studio and can’t wait to see what my future achievements will be at Vision Engadine!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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