Client from Engadine
I started my journey with Vision Engadine 5 months after having my first child.
I was feeling very unhappy with my weight, as I was already overweight before I fell pregnant. Needless to say, the poor eating and exercise habits had just continued to spiral during my pregnancy.
Once I had my baby, I was really unmotivated and unsure of how to get the weight off.
I kept failing on my own, my weight would go up and down due to yo-yo dieting and trying the newest "quick fix" fads all the time, I had no one to be accountable to and I was emotionally eating as I was unhappy and had lost a lot of confidence in myself.
Then after my son turned 1, I decided I needed help and that the only way to learn how to permanently change my eating and exercise habits was to invest in a personal trainer.
Knowing Vision's success rate, having a number of friends and family who had all lost weight and kept it off permanently, the choice was actually simple. I joined Vision Personal Training Engadine.
Since early 2014, I have not looked back!
I have now lost a total of 12kgs after having my son and have lost a total of 16% body fat!
Having a personal trainer is what has made the difference.
It did not matter how many times I attended a gym class on my own, I needed someone there to encourage me, correct my poor nutrition choices and make sure I achieved my goal to lose the weight.
The support, accountability and education from Vision has been invaluable to me.
I have adopted lifestyle changes that are permanent and easy, that will ensure my new healthy body and mind stays put for the long-term.
I am the happiest I have ever been, which in-turn makes me an even happier wife and mum to my family. I have changed my whole approach and life because of Vision.
I have the energy and confidence to juggle full-time work plus a busy household with my husband and son and still love that "me time" of going into the Studio and exercising.
Vision has taught me long-lasting knowledge on how my nutrition plays such a pivotal role in my day-to-day living and that eating healthier is a way of life and not a chore!
I now make the time to exercise because I enjoy it. Not because I have to and I love getting up early and starting my day with a fresh mind once I have moved my body.
Thanks to Vision, I couldn't be happier!
*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.
Engadine Success Stories

Kyle Arrand

Carolyn Wemyss

Tracy Makins

Sharon Russell

Tom Williams
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