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Vision PT’s Guide to Injury Prevention

Are you someone who gets injured upon starting a new fitness regime? We share the best injury prevention strategies and exercises to ensure you put your best foot forward.
By Francesco Cimino, Personal Trainer at Frenchs Forest published April 24, 2023

As we have come to understand in this day and age, having a higher level of health in the physical aspect which can be recognised as having little to no injuries as one ages - can really assist with prolonging one's quality of life, which can include being able to conduct more activities with less assistance.

Furthermore, this is what is sought after more so as people age. This can be recognised via the volume of population worldwide going to GP’s, physiotherapists and other health professionals and specialists, is always increasing.

This really exacerbates in a way how not many preventative steps are being taken nowadays and that it’s usually only after having gained a format of injury, one then deems themselves fit for some format of activity to treat that said Injury.

This now brings us to the main focus “Injury Prevention”.

Where, through any format of movement, more specifically at higher intensity and at ages over 40+, we create variables which influence heightened risks of developing injuries, whilst through specific formats of Low Impact Exercise/Movements. It can assist in decreasing that risk which is associated with “Injury Prevention” not “Post-injury Treatment”.

How can we predict Risk of Injury? Injury Prevention Strategies

  • Focusing on prevention rather than post-injury treatment, experts can now identify and correct key movement patterns in people, more so older adults that render them prone to injuries.
  • A protocol known as Functional Movement Screen, or FMS, looks at one’s ability to easily and properly execute particular daily movements.
  • This includes injury prevention exercises such as, but is not limited to:
    • Lunges
    • Squats
    • Leg Raises
    • Core Strength
    • Joint Range of Motion
  • An individual’s limited capabilities in any of these movements could potentially lead to such common structural pitfalls as tendonitis and various sprains and strains, all of which seem exacerbated as we age. 

Whereas any form of Physical Movement followed by a lack of proper form, can lead to a possibility of pain and/or a lack of stability with the movement.

Making note of this, shows the movement leading to being conducted to a better standard - what this means is that, through having identified the weaknesses that make up a specific movement.

It allows the technique to be reprogrammed in a sense and once proper form has been achieved through a specific movement. It allows variations of that said exercise paired with careful planning to allow measured progressions. In which, this further enhances the idea of conducting Quality Technique - therefore eliminating “Fault Movements’.

This diminishes the heightened risk taking place for people over the age of 40 and lowering it to the point in which conducting formats of exercise becomes less risky through said “Injury Prevention” techniques.

Regardless, it is important to remember the basics prior to going into any format of exercise at any age. This can be recognised as, but not limited to;

  1. Warming Up
  2. Cooling Down
  3. Recovery
  4. Stretching & Mobility Work
  5. Rehab

Where, of course there may be certain formats of Exercise Prevention Techniques that you may not like. Such as, not enjoying light jogging when warming up - it is always important to find something that you do enjoy and can do what is necessary in the preparation for the exercises in which you are about to complete. As it is better to be prepared and minimise risk of Injury as much as possible than to not take the opportunity to at all minimise it.

A great way to prevent or improve injuries and niggles in the body is Personal Training as we design a program that caters for your unique bodies. This could be working around an injury to ensure you are still exercising but not making it worse. Or doing the right type of exercises to improve the injury or niggle through strengthening, mobility & flexibility exercises.


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