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Theoni Condillis

Lost 13kg, Finished 5km Fun Run
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Client from Ivanhoe

Before Theoni Condillis (before)
After Theoni Condillis (after)

Before I joined Vision, I was really unhappy with my body image, attitude and general wellbeing.  I was always into healthy eating and exercising but something just suddenly changed. I looked after everyone else except for myself.  Even going shopping for myself become difficult as I had to wear larger sizes which I was not use to. I knew I wasn't doing the right thing eating high sugar foods and not exercising but I just didn't know how I was going to change that lifestyle that was so comfortable for a while.

My Journey has been an exciting one. My attitude and understanding of food and the enjoyment of it has grown so much and appreciating that so called dirty word "Carbs". I have lost 13kg which I am very proud of. I have also encouraged others including my family to make better food decisions. I was over the moon when I completed a 5km run that I must admit I was petrified of.  I have to admit without the support from Georgia and my family I would have struggled to even attempt it.  A few tears were shed after the race and I was on a high all day. I continue to learn more about my wellbeing and enjoy coming to the group classes and PT which is really important to me. 

I have lost 13kg and I feel I can move around a lot easier and without the shortness of my breath which I struggled with at the beginning. I continue to learn from my food decisions and surprise myself how much I have learnt through Vision. 

Don't hesitate joining Vision, we are all here for similar reasons, whether it being weight loss, getting fit or even toning up. Along the way you make some nice friends too. It's a great place, everyone is friendly and so supportive even on those crappy days that we do have. I have been with Vision nearly a year and its gone so fast and love seeing people's transformations especially my own. Thanks Vision for making this possible.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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