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Peter Laws

Lost 7kg Finished my First Half Marathon!
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Client from Ivanhoe

Peter Laws (after)

I have been with Vision for almost 3 years, prior to this I had joined and paid for 12 months access to a gym. I went there a couple of times but found I did not have the motivation to keep going. I was running but did not achieve more than 5km without stopping.

One of the challenges was to become a better runner and within a couple of months of joining Vision Kyle ran with me in the Melbourne Marathon and I managed a full 5.7K for the first time without stopping. From there my running continued to improve. I completed the Melbourne Marathon 10k run under 55 minutes and have managed to comfortably finish plenty more 10km and 15km runs. My best achievement so far was finishing the Queenstown Half Marathon in New Zealand for the first time! I can also now comfortably go for a 5-10km run during the week on my own.

Kyle has kept me on track and although I am not keen on weight training my overall strength and tone has certainly improved.

Vision runs several groups through the week and I have become involved in a couple of these complimenting my other training. The other clients attending these groups become friends and we spur each other on at times.

If you want to lose some weight, get fit or simply tone up these guys will help you with your journey. Motivation is the key and the team of trainers are committed to getting clients results!

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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