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Joshar Andac

Lost 6kg
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Client from Ivanhoe

Before Joshar Andac (before)
After Joshar Andac (after)
How were things before you joined?
- Felt like I had let myself go.
- Health and fitness was always my main priority but in the last year I was slack and I felt like I was underachieving.
- Didn't feel myself,
- Didn't have as much direction in my life
- Did not feel I was moving forward so therefore had a sense of dissatisfaction
Highlight of your journey?
- The fantastic sense of community and getting to know everyone in the studio
- Losing 5cm around the waist 
- Group training sessions, loved them
- Having someone to hold me accountable and push me towards my goals
What results have you achieved?
Next goal?
- Run a half marathon
- Compete in amateur boxing match for charity
- Level 14 on the beep test
- Muscle ups, weighted pull ups and dips
- No alcohol 2017

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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