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Cindy Plant

Lost 20kg
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Client from Ivanhoe

Before Cindy Plant (before)
After Cindy Plant (after)

Prior to Vision I wasn't looking after myself too well.  I'd had a really busy year and consequently had not done any real exercise for about 6 months.  Also without realising it, I was eating a diet that was very high in carbohydrates and low in protein. I had gained weight and was feeling really sluggish, with a low mood to match.

When I first joined the Vision program I was sceptical, but within a week of joining I began to lose weight and feel better about myself.  I made some simple changes to my diet and started keeping a food diary on the Vision App. This worked wonders. In addition, I attended two group classes and two PT session each week, along with some extra cardio sessions on my own. I have really enjoyed exercising again. It's fun, lifts my mood and I can literally feel myself getting stronger and more flexible every week.

Vision turned up at just the right time in my life.  I was ready and motivated to make positive changes, I just needed a bit of help.  I love the sense of community and the level of accountability that comes with a personal trainer.  I have dropped one to two dress sizes but even more importantly I feel more confident, fit and happier in myself.  I cannot recommend Vision highly enough. Thank you again

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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