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Top 3 Tips for Weights Training when you're over 50!

As we get older, weights training is crucial to maintaining our health for life.
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Alexandra Anasson published September 29, 2016
last updated October 12, 2023

Are you over 50 and want to incorporate some weights training into your health fitness routine to increase your bone density and strength as you age? Make sure you implement these 3 tips to ensure you get the most out of your training and see the best results!


1. LIFT HEAVY! Have you been lifting those pretty pink dumbbells at the gym for 30 reps? Did you know that those weights are not stimulating your bone density and you are better lifting heavier weights for less reps to see your strength and bone density improve? As long as your joints and bio mechanics can cope with the load in good form then lift the heaviest weight you can for 10 reps-if you can easily do more than 10-the weight isn't heavy enough! This load will help your bone density strengthen and we you will also see how much stronger you feel in your day to day activities from pushing yourself just a little harder. Often a personal trainer is a great partner in crime to help you lift heavy and safely.


2. PERFORM COMPOUND OR "FUNCTIONAL" MOVEMENTS. Those bicep curls you used to do when you were 20 or the endless crunches you did to flatten your tummy after your babies-are some of the most dangerous and useless exercises you can do as you age and you need to train to keep you strong and injury free. Instead of doing exercises that work only one muscle choose compound exercises that use multiple muscles at one time. These exercises are often the most "functional" too. Functional exercise is a buzz word in the fitness industry that often relates to swinging off a fancy trapeze looking apparatus but in this instance I refer to exercises that mimic functions in our everyday life and that will help you stay strong doing things you love! A great example of this is a squat-it uses many muscles but also mimics standing up and sitting down off a chair-something you will no doubt do everyday for the rest of your life! A personal trainer can help you determine what exercises are most functional for you and ensure you do them correctly to avoid any injury.


3. BE STRUCTURED: You don't need to spend hours in the gym each week to reap the benefits of strength training but you do need some structure to the training sessions you do perform. Turning up and "winging it" at each session will not see you make any progress with your strength and could actually leave you more susceptible to injury. Instead, try 2 x 30min sessions of weights per week but with the same exercises for at least 4 weeks before changing the program up. This will help you get stronger and progress the exercises safely and then as long as you are changing the program every 4 weeks or so, you won't get bored and neither will your body! Again, a personal trainer can help you to create this program in line with your goals and then monitor your progress with it and change the program when necessary!


Lifting weights and resistance training can be linked to many health benefits including but not limited to the prevention or reduction in osteoporosis, anti-aging and increase in muscle function-but to get the best results ensure you are incorporating these tips into your routine and you will be making sure that healthy, fit and strong for life!


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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