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The Benefits of Training online

Online training can have more positives than negatives. Read how in this article by Vision Personal Training
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training
By Stuart Smithies at Brookvale published April 30, 2020
last updated August 20, 2021

The Benefits of Training from Home

So, in these crazy times, we have all had to adapt and I must say that all the coaches I know and all the clients we have trained have done an exceptional job of that!

When the idea of online training first came up a lot of clients were understandably very sceptical, however I must say from quite literally the first session, the feedback has been nothing but positive. Starting with less "non training time" in sessions due to talking, and including the fact we have developed new exercises and rep schemes our clients may not have done before. And, the trainers have also been developing and learning new skills. The feedback has been great (apart from the fact they now hear their trainers voice from their house ha ha!)

From chatting to my clients and clients of the studio, I have found that online training has more positives than negatives. So, I would like to outline a few of them and maybe at the end of the article if you haven't done an online session it might be something you want to try (and benefit from).

As a trainer it has taught me to be clearer in my delivery of exercises, and to tailor my programming to be able to suit everyone. I've learnt to adapt it quickly if someone cannot do an exercise. Also, with 30-minute sessions I make sure the intensity is there for those who want it. We have learnt the many different exercises we can do with our bodies and how capable they are.

I've also had the benefit of participating as a client and have probably done more group sessions in the last month than I have in the last year. I love the fact I can jump in for 30 minutes between sessions from where ever I might be. I love watching you all train and once I get in my little zone feel like I am there with you. I also usually have one headphone in so I can play my Spice girls playlist without being judged ha ha! And most of all I am getting great workouts and working up a great sweat!

Benefits I have heard from my clients, time! They have said that with the session being 30 minutes long and doing them from home they only need to find 31 minutes and get a great workout, less travelling time or getting ready time. I was talking to a client 12 minutes before a session to remind her and she was ready to go by 6pm! It was the difference between training and not.

Another great benefit I've seen is family involvement. During the sessions I have seen so many people get their kids and partners involved, but the most enthusiastic are the pets! It is also inspiring for kids to see their parents/grandparents training and what they are capable of!

Intensity has been a real highlight. Clients have found that without outside distractions, such as talking with friends, mentioning what sport is on the weekend etc, they work a lot harder and stick to the timing put in place. Also, once you get started and get in the zone it is easy to forget you are in your living room, bedroom or garden.

Real time feedback is so important, it makes us feel connected. Unlike watching a YouTube video and following it, a trainer is taking you through each movement providing specific real time motivation and instructions making sure that you complete all the exercises… and pulling you up when we see you take a rest on the sofa ha ha! And it means you've connected with someone outside your four walls that day.

Being able to log on and do a live session from anywhere in the world means location is no longer a barrier to exercise! We have had people from England and America log in and complete sessions!

It means that in the future if someone is home with a sick child or needs to go on a work trip, we can offer them an online session so that they don't miss out.

If you haven't already tried a live Zoom® session either one-on-one or in group, please contact me today for FREE week of sessions! or 9939 3396 or message us on FB or Instagram VisionptBrookvale_


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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