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Interested, committed, obsessed: the only scale you should focus on.

Consistent, commitment will serve us much better in the long run than fixated motivation.

By Kyle Sewell, Master Trainer at Camberwell

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
-Ken Blanchard, author, business consultant & motivational speaker

The idea of committing to something is daunting at best, terrifying at worst. It means going all in. It means we must take ownership, accountability and responsibility for our actions. Many are afraid of committing to goals for fear of ‘what if’. What if we fail?

There needs to be an understanding that things might not go our way, and that we may fail from time to time. That is part of the process. Steady consistent action, regardless of obstacle, setback or feeling allows us to act on values, key drivers and what truly matters.

As a society, we play it safe, doing what’s convenient. We have become comfortable, being comfortable. Remaining interested allows us to believe stories and excuses as we remain a victim of circumstance. Interested is justification and avoidance: it’s safe.

People, places, ideas and things are interesting, lifestyle change needs commitment. When it comes to our relationships, we show commitment, not interest. Our job title isn’t listed as an interest on LinkedIn or our business card, it is a career path we commit to, a title we choose or accept. Our bank balance or home isn’t a matter of interest, it requires committed action. Many are interested in the idea of losing weight and getting fit, yet fail to truly commit. Again, only showing up part of the way without the follow through.

Commitment means doing whatever it takes, convenience aside. Showing up. Doing something. Showing up, be it mentally or physically, leads to action. Action leads to momentum, which leads to motivation. Choosing to act means mindset change, shifting the emphasis from interest and motivation to commitment.

To further understand the difference between interested and commitment we need to address motivation. Commitment does not require consistent motivation. Commitment happens regardless of feeling. (Lack of) Motivation is used as a barrier or excuse to being non-committal. Committed action comes first; motivation later, if at all. Commitment means staying loyal to what we said we were going to do, long after motivation has passed. Committed action allows us to accept what is outside our personal control, and commit to an action that improves and enriches our life.

Not just a bold, evocative scent that empowers and emboldens, obsession is what happens when motivation and commitment align. With the right mindset, obsession can be a powerful tool for rapid, short-term momentum to our goals. This persistence leads to accomplishment, accepting no excuses, only results. Remove interested from the equation, there is only committed or uncommitted, to paraphrase Master Yoda.

Many feel the need to do something perfectly or not at all. Unfortunately, an all or nothing sentiment leads to our detriment. Overthinking and allowing something to fill the mind to a troubling extent causes analysis paralysis. Negating progress, we become so fixated that other aspects of life suffer and things fall apart. Focus on progress instead of perfection.

Commitment levels and priorities vary over the course of a life. Again, consistent, commitment will serve us much better in the long run than fixated motivation. When we understand where we sit on the commitment continuum, we are able to address our hierarchy of needs and act accordingly. It comes down to us as individuals to manage expectations. In reality, we only have ourselves to rely on when it comes to commitment. This is true whatever goal we are working towards; be it financial, career, health, fitness or relationship.

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