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Georgie Miles 2019 Stretch Goal

Having a stretching goal is a great way to incorporate it into your routine so you don't forget!
Fitness and Training
Fitness and Training

By Georgie Miles at Templestowe

In 2019, our Templestowe team all decided that we would aim to complete a physical goal that was way beyond our capabilities from that current point in time. The goal had to be something that both scared and excited us at the same time. A goal that was pushing us physically and mentally. We have called this our "Stretch Goal"


  1. What is your Stretch Goal and why have you chosen this?

My stretch goal is to complete a half-Ironman in Geelong in February 2020. A half-Ironman is a triathlon consisting of a 1.9km swim, 90km bike ride and 21km run. I have chosen this goal for several reasons, to challenge myself and to try something new being the main motivating factors. I did my very first triathlon in December 2018, which was a sprint distance (600m swim, 20km bike and 5km run) and I enjoyed the variety of doing more than just running.


  1. What are you going to ensure happens to achieve this goal and what does your training look like?

To ensure that I achieve this goal I will be undertaking a variety of different exercises and training. At the moment I am mainly focused on running as I prepare for Melbourne Marathon in October where I will be doing the half marathon, however I am doing at least two indoor bike sessions a week at the moment. Towards September I will be training outside on the bike more often, as well as incorporating regular swimming training, including ocean/open water swims.

I will also participate in several more triathlons before the half-Ironman, with at least one of these being an Olympic distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)

  1. What scares you the most about your goal?

The thing that scares me the most about my stretch goal is how long the distance actually is, and how long my body will be exercising for! I'm also a bit nervous for the bike leg of the race - especially training on the road. The bike will probably be the most challenging leg for me, not just for training but also for the race.


  1. What are you most excited for?

Finishing the race and accomplishing my goal. I am really looking forward to crossing the finish line and knowing I have accomplished what I set out to do. Knowing I can complete such a challenging event is what I am really excited for.


  1. What difference is this going to make to you after you have achieved this goal?

I'll probably more likely to do more events like this, and to keep challenging myself. It's definitely going to help improve myself as not only an athlete but also as a trainer. Achieving a goal like this will help me relate to and inspire my clients to set and accomplish their own goals and challenges.


  1. Do you have any tips/tricks for someone who is thinking about pushing their own comfort zone with health and fitness?

Anything is possible and you never know what you can achieve until you give it a go. Having a trainer/coach who will support you, believe in you and be there every step of the way makes a huge difference

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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